Full Sail Students and Grads On Set for Disney+ Series 'The Right Stuff'

Full Sail students and graduates gained real-world experience working on the series' production sets.

Full Sail Students and Grads On Set for Disney+ Series 'The Right Stuff' - Hero image

The cast and crew of The Right Stuff, a serialized adaptation of Tom Wolfe's iconic book, were transported to 1959 when they stepped onto the production sets for filming. The series tells the story of early days of the US space program and the Project Mercury astronauts, and it's scheduled to debut on Disney+ on October 9. Among those taking the trip back to the beginnings of NASA were students in Full Sail's Film School, who observed and learned on set, while several Full Sail graduates were hired to work on the series.

"As educators, it is a privilege for us to watch the transformation from students in our classrooms to working professionals in the industry," said Rick Ramsey, Full Sail's Education Director of Visual Arts. "The ability to provide our students with real-world educational opportunities on our campus, in addition to welcoming our graduates home to watch them in action as professionals in their careers, is both a cornerstone of our curriculum and absolutely awe-inspiring."