Full Sail Stories
Published Aug 10, 2022
Graphic Design Grad Working in Branding for Trinidadian Pharmacy Chain
Grad Kevin Ramoo leads Super-Pharm’s design department as Brand Coordinator and Senior Graphic Designer.

Kevin Ramoo was already well-established in the world of design when he first enrolled in Full Sail University’s Graphic Design program. Still, with 15 years of experience in the industry, he knew he needed to obtain a degree in order to move further in his career with Super-Pharm, the leading pharmacy and convenience chain in Trinidad and Tobago.
“You would think I didn't have that much to learn, but I think, unlike most other courses, the Full Sail graphic design course is a lot more all-encompassing,” says Kevin. “A lot of [design programs] just teach the basic Photoshop and illustrator design. But with Full Sail, we did photography, videography, psychology, all those different things that did add to being a leader in a graphic department. These were things that opened my eyes, and I think it made me a lot more confident when I sold myself to anybody, even when I went back to my job to negotiate a better salary.”
Another benefit Kevin found during his time with Full Sail was the way his class schedule reflected the reality of full-time work, saying, “You didn't just go to a regular university, you went to a university where you only have three weeks off for the year and classes are 24/7. Nobody's really prepared for the work environment after going to a regular university. Half-day classes, months off at a time. So I think that was a big deal for a lot of people knowing how the school operates.”
Starting as a designer with Super-Pharm before going to Full Sail, Kevin was able to leverage his education and grow in his position, and now he leads all branding and design, while working as the sole graphic artist for the brand that services customers across Trinidad and Tobago. In his current role, the grad oversees and designs every aspect of the in-store experience for the company’s brick-and-mortar locations, including things like signage, product design, and more.
Working in a field directly related to healthcare, Kevin’s intent with his work is to make customers feel safe and cared for while also avoiding designs that are too generic or oversimplified. “You have to strike a balance of reaching out to totally diverse groups and also keep up with trends without offending anyone. We can't be too trendy because we have to give that traditional, safe pharmacy type [impression],” he says. “So it's borderline boring and trying not to be boring. I think that's the balancing act that we have.”
In his advice to aspiring designers attending Full Sail, Kevin says, “Don't get intimidated. Embrace it, embrace the challenge. I think once anybody embraces the challenge it will make work life after Full Sail seem like a breeze.”