Bill Simmons Speaks on Campus

The sports journalist discussed his career journey and the evolution of sports media.

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Renowned sports journalist Bill Simmons visited Full Sail’s campus to discuss his career, the industry, and how the field has changed with the rapid evolution of digital technology. In the intimate setting of the Treehouse venue, Bill met with students from various degree programs as they packed themselves into the venue, filling every available seat.

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Bill’s passion for writing began at an early age as he pored over the sports section of the Boston Globe, inspiring him to eventually write his first sports column for his college newspaper. The key to standing out, Bill shared with the students, was the unique tone and perspective he chose for his writing. While most sports columnists were interviewing players in the locker room, Bill tapped into the mindset of a fan, writing from their perspective, asking the questions he knew they wanted answered.

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From those humble beginnings, Simmons has become one of the most well-known sports personalities around, starting with his work at ESPN, through the launch of and the 30 for 30 series, and continuing with the success of his new sports-and-culture website, The Ringer.