Full Sail Stories
Published Jul 05, 2017
Media Communications Grad Lands BuzzFeed Internship
Iván Emilio Albino caught the attention of BuzzFeed with his personal YouTube channel, which has achieved over 300,000 views.

“Media Communications is like the BuzzFeed training degree,” says 2015 graduate Iván Emilio Albino.
2015 graduate Iván Emilio Albino has been working with popular viral content creator BuzzFeed as a video intern since January 2017. His personal YouTube channel caught the attention of the managers during his interview, as one of his videos has achieved over 300,000 views; proving he knows what it takes to make a video go viral.
"I’ve done well on many of my projects here because of the classes I took in areas such as graphic design, new media journalism, and audio. We learned the basics of production in Media Communications, but what I learned at BuzzFeed has taken things to a new level."
For the past six months, Iván has been assisting producers with videos, taking classes offered by BuzzFeed on how to edit thumbnails, video, and audio, and has even created some of his own content for BuzzFeed’s Hispanic channel, Pero Like.
Iván wrote, directed, and produced this "moments when…" video for Pero Like which features his parents who were visiting from Puerto Rico. "They were very excited to be involved in a production, and it was awesome to be able to share a piece of my personal life with millions of people who will see this video," says Iván.
Iván has been able to experience special opportunities and gain exposure to multiple departments within BuzzFeed by being direct about his career goals.
"Since day one I’ve gone straight to a point of contact for the team I want to work with to introduce myself, and also informed my manager that I did so," explains Iván. "I was given the chance to attend the Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales movie premiere to shadow one of the social media team members for BuzzFeed Celeb, and he ended up letting me cover the entire red carpet on their Snapchat channel. It was a great experience that would have never happened if I hadn’t personally contacted him," says Iván.
All though his internship is coming to a close, Iván will soon begin a fellowship with the company leading him to the next step toward full-time employee.
"Don’t get comfortable anywhere," says Iván. "It’s important to keep working hard toward the next big dream. Every day I did something little to improve my resumé and skills, and then I got the call to come work at BuzzFeed. It takes time, but it’s definitely worth it."