Full Sail Stories
Published Mar 26, 2024
Orlando’s Pro Soccer Clubs Reveal New Jerseys in Studio V1
Orlando City SC and Orlando Pride produce 2024-2025 jersey reveal content in Full Sail’s virtual production studio.

Equipped with the latest in film technology, Full Sail’s Studio V1 provides opportunities for students to gain hands-on experience with industry-standard tools while also giving clients access to Hollywood-level productions in the heart of Florida. For local professional soccer teams - MLS’s Orlando City Soccer Club and NWSL’s Orlando Pride – Full Sail’s nearby campus served as the perfect location to produce their 2024-2025 jersey reveal content for the second consecutive year.
Full Sail Visual Arts and Communications Director Rick Ramsey – who helped bring the project to Full Sail – brought on students to work alongside production company Diamond View and the team from Orlando City during the shoot.
Studio V1’s 40-foot wide and 16-foot high LED stood as a bold backdrop against Orlando City’s 2024-25 jersey, featuring bright red accents and a legacy patch to celebrate the club’s history and upcoming 10th season in Major League Soccer.

Orlando City players pose for the camera in Full Sail’s Studio V1.
Several students studying in areas including film, game art, and computer animation worked on the project alongside instructors and a small production crew from Diamond View in roles like production assistant and Unreal operator. Students created unique assets for the production, which utilized a combination of standard sets and 3D environments brought to life with Unreal Engine.
“All the 3D environments were designed for the most part by game art and computer animation students under the direction of [instructor] Marcella Nichols,” shares Rick.
Gaining real-world experience with external clients, students modeled professionalism on-set, working diligently as professional soccer players from Orlando City and Orlando Pride posed, kicked around soccer balls, and modeled for the camera during the shoot.
When choosing students to work on such high-level projects, Rick emphasizes the importance of professionalism, saying, “We accept students from all degrees and all levels in their studies and professionalism is the common trait we rely on. A willingness to learn is a close second.”