Sports Marketing & Media Grad’s Broadcast Career Evolution

Patrick Meehan has explored a variety of careers in the sports broadcast industry with ESPN and beIN Media.

Sports Marketing & Media Grad’s Broadcast Career Evolution - Hero image

For Patrick Meehan, a love for sports was established early in life. Growing up between Mexico and San Antonio, Texas, sports served as a constant for Patrick. "Growing up in Mexico [it] was just soccer mainly," he recalls. "But then going to San Antonio, I remember my house would have on ESPN all day, just playing on every single TV."

Patrick’s fascination with ESPN broadcasts and sports coverage helped narrow his search when he was looking at colleges. Enrolling in Full Sail's Sports Marketing & Media degree program led Patrick to discover not only a career in sports but a more expansive field than he had ever imagined.

"I never realized that there was production behind all of that," says Patrick. "Full Sail was that eye-opening thing, where I saw that you can actually have a job in sports. I just didn't know any of this existed until then."

Uncertain of what path he wanted to follow in the sports marketing world after graduating from Full Sail, Patrick took a chance on applying for his dream company.

"I've always loved ESPN, but I just didn't know I could work there. So I got a production job [with ESPN, Mexico] for a year and then did another year with ESPN, Miami," says Patrick. "It was like a dream come true."

In his time with ESPN, the grad quickly found his passion for production. "I loved production," he says. "Talking to journalists, looking for interviews. That's what I used to watch all day when I was a kid."

Following advice from instructors and colleagues in the industry led Patrick to pursue a role in digital production with global media group, beIN Media.

"They always told me to search around, try different things, go to different broadcasters, go to different positions, try marketing, try social media, try everything," he recalls.

Producing and distributing live sports and international events across five continents and 43 countries in seven different languages, beIN Media gave Patrick the opportunity to explore more of the industry beyond production. While working on social media coverage for a soccer watch party in Miami, the grad was presented with a unique opportunity to interview Brazilian soccer legend Rivaldo.

"I wasn't prepared, but I went to it and I took it," says Patrick. "You never know what opportunities you’ll get, and I took it and I loved it. I didn't know I had that dream until I did it."

Today, as the community specialist at beIN Media, Patrick does more than just social media coverage. Expanding his interest in being on-camera, Patrick is the host of BMS+ a digital sports coverage show, where he produces and stars in segments for beIN Sports USA, and conducts live coverage for various MLS games and events.